Joining Verwood Runners
Find out more about Verwood Runners by joining our closed Facebook Group which you can find here. You are able to run with us twice without needing to become a member so you can experience what we’re all about. All you need to do is register with Run Together (https://groups.runtogether.co.uk/VerwoodRunners) and then download the Runner App and search for Verwood Runners where you will then find available runs.
If you would like to continue running with us after your second run, you will need to sign up and become a member of the club, for insurance purposes. This can be done via our Membership section on the menu of our website.
We have members who have not long started running, members who run sub-19 minutes for 5k and sub 3-hr for the marathon, and everything in between – we truly are a mixed ability club.
We are a friendly and sociable running club with more than 150 active runners in and around the Verwood area. We have members from Verwood, Ringwood, Wimborne and many of the local villages all around us.
What are you waiting for? Join our Facebook page today and see what we are all about!